Vol. 1 No.
November 30, 2008
Don't miss the Computer College Roundup Friday, December
12, 2008 at 1:00 P.M.
The Grand Cypress Room
If you attended the first Roundup on August 8th, you
know this is a great time to find out all about what is in store for the next
term. All the instructors will be there to answer any questions you might
have regarding classes. There will be 6 new courses for the spring term
so you will likely have questions about what will be covered in the
courses. It is important to take the courses that are right for you.
The Academy brochure with the Computer College section will be
in your mail box on December 11th. So bring your brochure to
the Roundup along with your questions. Registration starts on Friday, but
as you know, randomization of names for classes with more registering than the
maximum class size, won't take place until the end of the 3rd
day. So you will have plenty of time after the Roundup to fill out your
registration form and turn it in at either service desk. But don't forget
to register not later than 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, December 16th to be
included in the randomization.
But that's not all.
A new PowerPoint show of the classes and instructors
Coffee and donut holes
Door prizes
See your computer friends
See you at the Roundup!
Published by the
Computer College Steering Committee (CCSC)
Russ Kraay, Editor